TOGAF's architecture development method is an iterative development methodology comprised of ten interconnected architecture development phases. The ADM provides a framework for developing architecture for all enterprise levels. The enterprise architect can ensure that activities at each level of architecture development are aligned with business requirements and contribute value to the business by understanding ADM's phases and how they work, how they interrelate, and how they cycle.

Generally speaking, TOGAF is not prescriptive framework. As a result, the ADM must be contextualized to fit the enterprise. The enterprise architect is free to adapt as required by selecting which phases are most applicable at a given point in time within iteration of architecture development. So, if you're using the TOGAF framework, you should know exactly what you're going to use it for. An intriguing point is that ADM Guidelines will not always be applied “sequentially”. Hence, feel free to custom tailor the scope of each iteration to suit the context in enterprise architecture based on latest requirements in hand (probably I will clean up my notes about mapping TOFAG to Agile Architecture and publish them as a post in same blog later to give you better vision on flexibility of TOGAF).
Overview of ADM Phases
- Preliminary Phase: Describes the activities required to create an Architecture Capability, including the customization of TOGAF and the definition of Architecture Principles.
- Phase A - Architecture Vision: The first stage of an architecture development cycle. It contains information on defining the scope of the architecture development initiative, identifying stakeholders, developing the Architecture Vision, and obtaining approval to proceed with architecture development.
- Phase B - Business Architecture: Describes the creation of a Business Architecture to support the Architecture Vision that has been agreed upon.
- Phase C - Information Systems Architectures: Explains the development of Information Systems Architectures to support the agreed-upon Architecture Vision.
- Phase D - Technology Architecture: Shows the development of the Technology Architecture in support of the agreed-upon Architecture Vision
- Phase E - Opportunities & Solutions: Conducts initial implementation planning and the identification of delivery logistics for the architecture defined in the previous phases.
- Phase F - Migration Planning: Addresses the process of transitioning from the Baseline to the Target Architectures by finalizing a comprehensive Implementation and Migration Plan.
- Phase G - Implementation Governance: Oversees the implementation from an architectural standpoint.
- Phase H - Architecture Change Management: Demonstrates procedures for implementing the new architecture's change management.
- Requirements Management Phase: Evaluates the ADM's process to manage architecture requirements.
Alignment With ADM
I have written a bit about the partitions in previous post. What I took as a note here is that as an enterprise architect, you can initiate ADM iterations at early stages with business strategy in the “strategic partition” to cover the high-level enterprise view. Then you can progressively engage architectural teams working at the “capability partitions” and develop more detailed architectures (specifically scoped and targeted areas of the enterprise). This will help you to be confident about flowing down the Vision and Strategy to Design and Implementation and flow up Learning and Findings in lower partitions.

ADM Iterations
At the beginning of this post, it's been established that ADM is consists of 10 phases, which include a Preliminary phase, 8 central phases and an Architectural Requirements Management phase, which is the central core of ADM.
There is another categorization for those 10 phases. The phases can be organized into 4 common iterations which are listed below and these iterations will be covered in detail in few blog posts. So, stay tuned!

ADM four common iterations:
- Architectural Capability
- Architectural Development
- Transition Planning
- Architectural Governance
While these phases have a cyclical aspect, bear in mind that the context of architectural development mandates that what best practices of which phases apply. Also, avoid fitting the methodology into a predefined frame. Consider the phases to be a loosely constant sequential approach to developing and maintaining an enterprise architecture that is always in sync with the requirements. In addition, the Requirement Management phase ensures that all phases have access to relevant requirements when they are needed. An iteration:
- Can be triggered by an architectural work request that specifies the scope of the architectural work.
- Refers to a process for managing change within architectural capabilities of an organization.
- Represents the process in which various related ADM phases interact to develop a coherent architecture.
Checkout previous TOGAF Definitions and Concepts Here or read more about the first iteration of ADM.
Mohammad Malekmakan
All opinions and content published in my blog and my social networks are solely my own, not those of my employer(s) and the communities I am contributing in.